Fantastic article, Will. Thank you.
Interestingly enough, Trump has also refused to bail out the United States Post Office. If the USPS doesn't get help from the government, it will likely be out of business by September of this year.
So, he's letting the post office fail and complaining mail-in ballots are fraudulent during an election year. Hmmm.
If the post office fails, millions of rural voters won't have a way to vote. And too bad for people who want to vote by mail to avoid getting sick.
Republicans sued to defeat an extension for mail-in ballots during the pandemic so people could vote via mail in the primaries. So, people had to risk their lives to vote.
In the meantime, he's given the job of Post Master General to a top Republican fundraiser and ally, Louis DeJoy. That way, if the USPS does survive, he'll have an inside man.
Trump's beef isn't just with the post office. It's with Jeff Bezos.
You see, Jeff Bezos now owns The Washington Post, one of Trump's most prominent critics.
He wants USPS to hike the rates they charge Amazon by 400-percent to stick it to Jeff Bezos, and if they don't do it, they get no help.
If USPS quadrupled prices, Bezos would likely find another way to get packages to consumers or pass the costs on to consumers when unemployment is at an unprecedented high
And, I don't mind a bit if Medium fact-checks me.
Sorry, Will. I didn't mean to write an entire article:)